T-Mobile is known for making bold moves at its Uncarrier events, and it appears the next one might be the biggest yet. According to the often-reliable @evleaks, T-Mobile will soon start offering unlimited, high-speed data for select video-streaming services, including Netflix. He also mentioned HBO, but it's not clear whether that's referring to Go or Now. Either way, the announcement is expected to happen at Uncarrier X, which is scheduled for November 10th in Los Angeles. Interestingly enough, T-Mobile tweeted about the event and mentioned there was "no reason to hit pause now," in what could be considered a hint about the network's upcoming plans. If the rumor's true, this would be huge for people who have capped data services, as it would let them stream movies and TV shows free of worries -- similar to what T-Mobile's been doing with Google Play Music and others.
— Evan Blass (@evleaks) October 29, 2015
evleaks (Twitter)
Source: http://www.engadget.com/2015/10/29/t-mobile-free-data-streaming-video/